2025 Term 1 - Week 8

From the Principal's Desk

Hello Mudgeeraba Creek Community,
As we come together after the recent cyclone that swept through South East Queensland, I want to acknowledge the significant challenges many in our school community have faced. Power outages, property damage, and disruptions to communication have tested our resilience, and I know that for some, recovery is still ongoing. My thoughts are with all families who have been impacted, and I want to express my admiration for the way our community has supported one another during this time.
We are incredibly grateful that our school sustained only limited damage, allowing us to reopen as quickly as possible. This would not have been possible without the tireless work of our staff, particularly our Groundsman, Rich, and Business Manager, Bec. Their dedication behind the scenes ensured our school was safe and ready for learning again. I also want to thank all our teachers and staff for their flexibility and commitment in getting everything back on track so smoothly.
A heartfelt thank you also goes to our families for your patience and support as we worked to restore our school after the storm. Your understanding and community spirit have made a world of difference.
A special acknowledgment must go to our Year 3 and Year 5 students, who showed incredible resilience in getting straight back into their learning—including sitting NAPLAN after such challenging circumstances. Their ability to adapt and persevere is a testament to their strength and determination, and we are incredibly proud of them.
While the past weeks have been challenging, we now turn our attention to the positive events ahead as we approach the end of term. One of the highlights will be our Easter Parade for Prep to Year 2 students on Thursday, 3 April. This is always a wonderful celebration, and we look forward to seeing our youngest learners enjoy this special event.
This experience has reinforced what we already know—our school community is strong, supportive, and capable of overcoming adversity together. Thank you to everyone for your patience, kindness, and teamwork as we move forward.
Warm regards
Ben Morris - Principal
"There is no adversity that cannot be overcome by good character."
Michael Josephson (Author)
Junior School

Lesley Dekker
Deputy Principal
Junior School
The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. Our Year 3 and 5 students completed the testing this week after a delayed start due to our school closure. Congratulations to all of our students for approaching the NAPLAN assessments with a positive mindset and putting their best effort forward. Assessment reports will be forwarded to parents when they are available.
Year 1
This week our Year 1 students have attended swimming lessons. Our Year 1 teachers have reported that the students enjoyed splashing, diving and showing off their swimming skills at the pool. Well done to all students for their fantastic efforts and consistently demonstrating our F.A.R. values while out in the community.

Year 2
Our Year 2 students continue to work diligently on consolidating their reading and spelling skills in class. At Mudgeeraba Creek State School we use the Initial Lit program developed by Macquarie University to guide our explicit teaching of phonics. Early next term we will offer parent information sessions to give an overview of this approach to teaching and reading and how parents can support literacy development at home.

Warm regards
Lesley Dekker
Deputy Principal
Senior School

Tim Thompson
Deputy Principal
Senior School
Leadership Assembly
After numerous cancellations, the Leadership Assembly for 2025 was a huge success. It was great to see so many friends and family members in the audience supporting their loved ones. I once again would like to thank all 48 students who applied for a leadership position. Our leadership team will be coming together next week to start our first leadership project of leading “The Creek Playground Program.” I look forward to training up the leaders and seeing them take the lead in delivering some lunch time fun.

Robina State High School Experience Day
It was great to see so many of our Mudgee Creek students take advantage of experiencing the Robina SHS experience day. The reports that came back to me around the fantastic behaviour, levels of academic ability but most importantly overall respect, was overwhelming. Congratulations to those who also took part in the sports academy trials. It was only just this week Mr Ben Weeks, Robina SHS Principal and Mr Liam Mathers, Deputy Principal, came out and visited our Year 6 students in classes. Once again, they were both blown away by the students' level of engagement and politeness. Well done, students.

Congratulations to all of our Year 5 students who completed the NAPLAN tests this week. It was great to see and hear the positive talk around students getting themselves ready leading into the tests. Well done students.
For a break away from NAPLAN testing, the Year 5 cohort left Friday to find some treasure as part of their HASS unit. Look out for more information and photos in the next newsletter edition.
Warm regards
Tim Thompson
Deputy Principal

Pamela Lidstone
Head of Student Services
Supporting Children Following Cyclone Alfred
In the wake of a Cyclone Alfred, our community comes together to rebuild, support, and nurture one another. While the physical damage may have been highly visible, the emotional impact for children can be less obvious but equally important. As parents and caregivers, you play a vital role in helping your child navigate the recovery process.
Recognising Emotional Responses
Children may experience a range of emotions after a cyclone or in the future during storm activity - including anxiety, sadness, confusion, or even excitement about changes in their environment. Some common signs that a child may be struggling include:
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Increased clinginess or withdrawal
- Difficulty concentrating
- Unusual fears or worries about future storms
- Physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches
Providing Reassurance and Routine
Re-establishing normal routines can provide a sense of security and stability. Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and offer reassurance that they are safe. Keep explanations age-appropriate and be honest while remaining positive about recovery efforts and possible future storms.
Encouraging Open Communication
Create opportunities for your child to express their thoughts and emotions through conversation, drawing, or play. Let them know that feeling worried or upset is normal and that it’s okay to ask questions. Validate their feelings and help them process their experiences at their own pace.
Supporting Wellbeing
Encourage healthy habits such as balanced meals, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. Mindfulness activities, deep breathing exercises, and spending time with loved ones can also help alleviate stress. Where possible, engage in outdoor play and relaxation to restore a sense of normalcy.
Seeking Additional Support
If you notice ongoing emotional distress in your child, consider informing your child’s classroom teacher and seeking support from community services. Mudgeeraba Creek State School’s beloved Education Support Dog, Bosley, is available to assist students who may need extra emotional support.
By working together as a community, we can help our children recover with resilience and confidence. If you have any concerns or need further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school for assistance.
Warm regards
Pamela Lidstone
Head of Student Services
Finance Matters
UNDERSTANDING ADJUSTMENT NOTES - When Your Unpaid Excursion Invoice is Cancelled
Following up on the details shared in our Week 4 parent newsletter about excursions, we felt it may be beneficial to provide some further information on what an Excursion ‘Adjustment Note’ is and how it relates to excursion payments.
What is an Excursion Adjustment Note?
An Excursion Adjustment Note is a credit applied to reconcile or adjust an unpaid excursion invoice off your account. It is sometimes also referred to as a credit note or credit adjustment note.
- If an excursion invoice remains unpaid after the due date, it will be cancelled.
- The parent/carer who normally receives invoices will receive an automatic ‘Adjustment Note’ notice via email, confirming the cancellation.
- Once the invoice is cancelled, it will no longer be available for payment.
- If you receive an Adjustment Note, please do not make any payment.
What does it mean if I receive an ‘Adjustment Note’ for my child’s excursion?
- It means the payment deadline was missed or you advised your child was not attending/participating, and the unpaid invoice has been cancelled.
- The Excursion ‘Adjustment Note’ is your notification from the school that payment has not been received by the due date
- As payment has not been received by the due date, your child won’t be able to attend the event, even if consent forms have been submitted
- Payment is no longer possible

Why does my invoice show as paid in QParents when an Adjustment Note has been issued?
- An excursion invoice will be available for payment in QParents up until the due date.
- Once the due date for payment has passed, an Excursion Adjustment Note will be issued against the unpaid excursion invoice and both the invoice and corresponding Adjustment Note (credit) will ‘move’ to the payment history.
- To cancel out all the entries, invoices and credit adjustments will all show as PAID/PAYMENT as part of the reconciliation process.
If you have any questions about reading your QParents Payment History, please contact the
QParents Help Desk on 13 74 68 or contact our Finance Team - finance@mudgeerabacreekss.eq.edu.au
How can I ensure I don’t miss excursion payment and consent deadlines?
To support busy families, we’ll send reminders as the due date approaches. Here are some other helpful tips to stay on track:
- You can click on the calendar icon next to your invoice in QParents, and it will add it to your calendar for you!
- Set phone reminders
- Flag important emails
- Use a calendar to track deadlines
- Place sticky notes in key places
- Try a task manager app like Todoist or Google Keep
- Ask a friend or family member to remind you
*Please allow up to 48 hours for BPOINT payments to process.
We hope this information assists families in understanding their account. Just like you, we want to ensure every student is able to enjoy participating in their events.
Thank you for helping us support your child by ensuring payments and consent forms are submitted by their due date.
Warm regards
Finance Team

Your P & C
P&C General Meeting - 31st March 2025
Please note that the second P&C Meeting for the year will take place at 5pm on Monday 31st March, in the community room. All welcome to attend.
P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) - 31st March 2025Please note that the AGM for 2025 will be held on Monday 31st March, in the community room, directly after the general meeting. All welcome to attend.
All executive positions will be opened up, for people to nominate for these positions. Please click here for full description of positions:
If you have any questions about any of these positions or would like to nominate, please email us at pandcexecutive@mudgeerabacreekss.eq.edu.au
Warm Regards
P&C Committee
Staff Spotlight - Ashley Piron

1. How long have you been at MCSS? | I am new to MCSS. I arrived in January. |
2. What is your role at MCSS? | IDEAS Teacher for Years 1 and 2. |
3. Your interests/passions? | I love to spend time with my two boys who are 3 and 6. We love early mornings at the beach, exploring parks and Yo-chi dates. |
4. Proudest moment? | Becoming a mum and watching my boys grow. |
5. Who/What inspires you? | My mum, she is the most caring, kind, and selfless person I know who would drop anything for the people she loves. |
6. Funny memory to share? | We picked my second son's name out of a hat the day before his birth, as my Husband and I could not agree on any names. |
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? | I am happy exactly where I am so I hope to still be doing what I am now with my little family, winning lotto could help though! |
8. Interesting fact about you that no one knows/something about your past others would find interesting about you? | I travelled Europe the day after I finished my last ever university lecture. |
9. Life Motto/Rule that you live by | ‘It is okay not to know but it is not okay not to try’. |
10. Anything else you wanted to add | That's it! |


Yr 3 - 6 Cross Country - CONSENT FORM DUE
26 Mar 2025 - 02 Apr 2025 |
Yr 6 Life Education 'Talk About It' Incursion
31 Mar 2025 - 02 Apr 2025 |
Yr 2 FairyTale Day
All day |
P&C Meeting & AGM
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM |
Yr 2 Starlab Incursion - PAYMENT & CONSENT DUE
All day |
Yr 5 & 6 Gala Sports Day 1 - PAYMENT DUE
All day |
Prep-Yr 2 Easter Concert
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM |
Assembly (whole school)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Recurring event |
Yr 4 Jacobs Well Excursion - 4D & 4T
All day |
Yr 4 Jacobs Well Excursion - 4E & 4G
All day |
Yr 3 Cross Country Walkthrough
All day |
Yr 5 & 6 Gala Sports Day 2 - PAYMENT DUE
All day |
Yr 3-6 Cross Country
All day |
Prep - Yr2 - Junior Cross Country
All day |